Best Treadmill for Apartment: Top 10 Reviews and Buying Guide (2022)

Whether you’re starting your first steps of getting in shape or you’re adding a valuable piece to your home gym, having a treadmill is a great pick if you want to exercise regularly from the comfort of your house.

The thing is, if you live in an apartment, you may have some restrictions when it comes to the available space, which is why you might be looking for a suitable option, and that’s where this guide comes in handy!

best treadmill for apartment

In today’s article, we’ll walk you through a brief overview of the top options on the market as well as a complete buyer’s guide to help you pick the best treadmill for apartment. Let’s jump right in!

Top 10 Treadmills for Apartment Available on the Market

There are tons of treadmills on the market, which vary in terms of size, design, properties, and much more, so getting the right treadmill for you is not a walk in the park. (pun intended!)

To help you with the process of getting the ideal treadmill for your needs, here’s a brief look at some of the best options that the market has to offer:

1. NordicTrack T Series Treadmill

Kicking off the list with one of the best treadmill options if you want a decent balance between price, features, and functionality.

The NordicTrack T Series has a maximum weight capacity of 300 lbs along with a durable frame and comfortable 20 x 55 inches tread belt with FlexSelect cushioning for joint health.

The system is equipped with a maximum speed of 10 mph with a 10% incline, and a free 30 day membership to the iFIT program to stream workouts.

Key Features

  • Available at a reasonable price while offering tons of features
  • Features two large storage areas for bottles and belongings
  • Large display screen with an option to upgrade to a 10-inch screen.
  • Has one of the best warranty policies out there with long-term support of the frame and parts
  • Has built-in wheels for easy transportation

What People Say

A lot of people enjoyed the variety of features that the treadmill offers, especially when it comes at a decent price. The most popular feature that users like is the price and stability of the treadmill.

2. Sunny Health & Fitness SpaceFlex Electric Running Treadmill

If you’re looking for a treadmill with more features than the NordicTrack T Series while being one of the best compact treadmill options, this one should be on your shortlist.

With a 2.5 HP motor, this one has a maximum speed of 8 mph, which is more than enough for most casual users.

Despite having a weight limit of 220 lbs only, this one is a seriously compact treadmill when folded, making it great for small apartments.

Key Features

  • Equipped with LCD performance monitor and device holder for synced devices
  • Features a media port with built-in speakers to play music while running
  • The heart rate, pedometer, and calorie sensors are decently accurate
  • Super-flat when folded, making it space-efficient
  • Offers an incline range of 3.2 to 6 degrees
  • Comes with 8 presets and 3 customizable programs

What People Say

Many users enjoyed the space efficiency of the small treadmill and how easy it is to put together and fold after use. They also like the variety of extra features that this one offers.

3. XTERRA Fitness TR 150 Folding Treadmill

If you’re looking for a durable treadmill with folding capabilities without spending a lot of money, you should consider the XTERRA TR 150.

This one has a 2.25 HP motor with an alloy steel frame that can support up to 250 lbs comfortably, supporting a maximum speed of 10 mph.

The device has a simple display system that measures all essential stats along with 12 presets as well as a 3-level inclination system for a challenging exercise.

Key Features

  • A highly affordable folding treadmill
  • Durable alloy steel construction with XTRASoft belt technology for seamless performance
  • The high torque motor is relatively quiet, even at relatively high speeds
  • Lightweight and easy to move around
  • Simple installation process

What People Say

While some people didn’t like that this option lacks extra features like Bluetooth, cup holders, and automatic inclination, others appreciated that it offers a quiet motor with high speeds and ample weight capacity for such a reasonable price.

4. Echelon Stride Treadmill

If you don’t mind spending a little more to enjoy an advanced treadmill with professional design and impressive features, you’re going to love the Echelon Stride.

This one has a unique foldability feature where it folds automatically with a push of a button. Once it’s folded, the small treadmill will take little space during storage, making it excellent for small rooms.

Additionally, the device is equipped with a maximum speed of 12 mph and a 10% automatic incline. The device comes with an LED readout monitor that displays all the stats while running in addition to a holder to enjoy online coaching by Echelon.

Key Features

  • Folds up automatically with a click of a button
  • Wide and long belt for comfortable runs
  • Remarkably high maximum speed for serious athletes
  • Elastomer suspension to absorb shocks and keep the treadmill quiet
  • Equipped with USB ports, speakers, and Bluetooth connectivity

What People Say

The expensive treadmill is highly popular among athletes and serious indoor runners. However, some users complained about the device being a bit heavier than it looks. For maximum utilization of the device, you may require to subscribe to Echelon online coaching.

5. Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T1407M Foldable Manual Treadmill

Manual treadmills aren’t for everyone, but if you’re looking for a decent option this is reliable and sturdy without costing a lot of money, the SF-T1407M should do the trick.

The alloy steel construction allows the compact treadmill to support a maximum weight of 220 lbs while weighing less than 46.7 lbs. This allows you to fold and store the small treadmill easily, and it comes with wheels to make the job even smoother.

The treadmill comes with a simple digital monitor and a manually adjustable incline of about 13.5 degrees.

Key Features

  • Sturdy construction while staying lightweight
  • Features built-in wheels for easy maneuvering
  • Non-slip running belt and handles for safety
  • Simple display monitor that measures speed, time, calories, and distance
  • Much lighter than motorized options and better for the environment

What People Say

The treadmill received a lot of praise from users who preferred manual treadmills because of how smooth it runs besides its simplicity. However, many pointed out that the treadmill needs frequent lubrication in order to stay functional and smooth for a long time.

6. 3G Cardio Pro Runner Treadmill

If the treadmill is going to be used by a senior, it needs to have a remarkably smooth belt to make it easier on the joints, and that’s what this quiet treadmill has got right!

best treadmill for apartment

The 3G Pro Runner isn’t only for seniors, though, as it’s equipped with all the premium features to make it suitable for all kinds of runners!

The remarkably powerful 3 HP motor allows the runners to go at a speed that ranges between 0.5 to 12 mph, and supports a maximum weight of 350 lbs!

Key Features

  • The Orthopedic belt, combined with the OrthoFlex suspension, makes it a great pick for older runners
  • Large display for easy reading
  • Large cup holders with a built-in fan for cooling
  • Inclines to 15% and adjusts speeds by touch

What People Say

Despite being a fairly expensive treadmill, many users like that this treadmill is suitable for all family members because it’s equipped with senior as well as athlete-friendly features and specifications.

7. IN10CT Health Runner Curved Treadmill

Curved treadmills are the new trend in the industry and have been recommended by many athletes.

Since most curved treadmills are remarkably large, the IN10CT is one of the few options out there that can suit an apartment.

These curved treadmills aren’t motorized, so you can use them just about anywhere without worrying about electricity or power.

The treadmill has a maximum weight capacity of 400 lbs and helps you burn up to 30% more calories!

Key Features

  • The curved belt with manual system helps you burn more calories
  • High weight capacity
  • The built-in wheel makes it easier to move around
  • Features a performance monitor to track all the necessary stats

What People Say

The treadmill has received very high ratings thanks to its excellent design and craftsmanship. Most users also reported excellent results while running on the smooth belt.

8. RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Under Desk Treadmill

The RHYTHM FUN under desk treadmill is ideal for those who prefer using the device while working from home to stay in shape.

The device has no vertical height and offers a decent belt width and length for walking properly, with a speed that ranges from 0.5 to 3.7 mph thanks to its 1.5 HP motor.

The treadmill has a weight capacity of 220 lbs and comes with an LED display to keep you updated with stats.

Key Features

  • The tread belt has 7 layers of cushioning for extra comfort
  • Works out of the box without needing any assembly
  • Highly compact and doesn’t take any vertical space
  • Can be paired with a smart remote and app for easy control
  • A remarkably quiet treadmill

What People Say

The compactness of the under desk treadmill is easily one of its best features. However, many buyers were pleased by the treadmill belt’s width and length.

9. OMA 6134EAI Motorized Treadmill for Home

The OMA 6134EAI is the best treadmill to consider if you have a relatively large apartment and you’re willing to pay a little extra to enjoy all the best features a motorized treadmill has to offer.

This one is equipped with a 3.5 HP motor, features alloy steel construction, supports up to 350 lbs, and boasts a 23 inch LED screen with a maximum speed of 12.5 mph.

Moreover, it comes with all the extra features that are found in modern treadmills, such as speakers, holders, and up to 43 training programs to keep you engaged!

Key Features

  • An excellent choice for athletes with relatively large apartments or condos
  • Has double hydraulic cylinders to lift up the treadmill with little to no effort
  • Easily assembled in less than 20 minutes
  • A long 60 inch tread belt

What People Say

Despite the steep price tag, many users said that the product is well worth the investment for all the amazing features it offers in addition to the sturdiness and reliability

10. Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill

Lastly, if you’re on a budget and want to get a simple folding treadmill to get the job done, check out this one from Goplus.

This one doubles as a standard folding treadmill as well as an under desk treadmill that doesn’t take up a large space when stored. Moreover, it’s one of the most affordable options out there, making it a great bang for the buck!

Key Features

  • Ideal for buyers on a budget
  • Available in a wide range of colors
  • Can be controlled through an app via Bluetooth
  • Has a high maximum speed for its price

What People Say

Users really enjoyed the Goplus for being a great-value solution that doesn’t cost a lot of money. However, some users pointed out that the monitor isn’t fully accurate.

What to Look for While Buying a Treadmill for Apartment

Treadmills can be quite an investment, which is why you need to make sure that you’ve picked the right option for your needs before making up your mind.

In this section, we’ll walk you through all the essential aspects and features that you should know off in order to pick the right treadmill for your workout needs:

Type of Treadmill

The first thing that you need to decide on while buying a treadmill is its type, as they come in a wide range of designs and features that allow us to group them under several overlapping categories.

Here’s a brief look at some of these categories as well as their advantages and drawbacks to help you discover the right type of treadmill for your needs!

Manual vs. Motorized Treadmill

The first and most popular method for comparing treadmills is through their two most basic varieties, which are being motorized or non-motorized (also known as manual treadmills).

For starters, a manual treadmill is usually the simplest type of treadmill that you can find out there, as it operates through the power of the users themselves without needing any sources of power to run the treadmill belt.

One of the best things about manual treadmills is that they’re usually the most affordable options on the market, costing as little as a fraction of what most electric treadmills would set you back.

It’s also ideal for those who aren’t looking for a treadmill with a huge range of features and settings, as they’re only built for running, although some of them will also feature a battery powered digital monitoring system.

best treadmill for apartment
Man running on a treadmill

The thing about manual treadmills is that you’ll need to put in more effort in order to use them, but that might be exactly what you’re looking for.

On the other hand, a motorized treadmill will usually offer a wider range of features as well as a more solid construction.

It’ll also support a wide range of programs that you can use to optimize your training, especially if they’re high-end models that support a more immersive monitoring system.

Despite that, the motorized systems are usually a bit heavier and bulkier than manual options, so they’re a little more challenging when moving around.

Flat vs. Curved Belt

The running belt is also another way to categorize treadmills. While all treadmills used to have a flat running belt, modern design technology produced the new curved ones.

The concave belts are non-motorized and work by propelling the belt with each foot strike, just like a manual treadmill.

However, curved belts are built to exploit the contours of the body to generate a more powerful thrust, ditching the need for any electric motor while reaching remarkably high speeds.

The drawback of curved belts is that they’re still new, so they’re quite expensive and can cost you a lot more than a flat treadmill. Also, it takes up larger space, so it’s more suitable for larger apartments and home gyms.

All in all, curved treadmills are ideal for an intense workout and sprinting at very high speeds without the help of motors, so if you’re looking for a treadmill for casual use, you should focus on regular flat treadmills.

Fixed vs. Folding

While buying a treadmill for your apartment, one of the major aspects you need to decide on is whether you go for a fixed or a folding treadmill.

Of course, in the majority of cases, opting for a folding treadmill should be a better way to go if you live in an apartment.

This is because folding treadmills can save you a lot of horizontal space when the device is not in use, as you can easily store the treadmill in unutilized corners, in closets, or under furniture in the case of super compact treadmills.

However, you should know that many people leave the treadmill unfolded when they aren’t using it because folded treadmills are a little too bulky on the looks.

On the flip side, treadmills that don’t fold are quite rare but they’re usually way sturdier and more durable than a foldable one.

They also may cost a little less, so they can be a good choice if you’re going to set them up in a home gym where you won’t have to move it around or fold it up anyway.

Full-Size vs. Under Desk

Another aspect that you might want to consider while picking a treadmill is whether you want a full size treadmill system with the running treadmill belt, handles, monitor screen, and everything or you just want a simple workout system that is as minimalistic as possible.

Luckily, if you’re lacking the space or you want something that you can use while working from home, an under desk treadmill should be an excellent solution for you.

As the name suggests, these treadmills are simply made of the motorized running belt unit only and are controlled via remote control.

Since this type of treadmills lacks all the extra vertical parts, you can easily hide them under a couch or a bed when they’re not in use.

Even better, if you’re using a standing desk to use your computer or laptop while staying healthy, these compact treadmills can provide you with the ability to walk while doing so.

According to multiple studies, having a standing exercise while working can actually boost both productivity and creativity!

Materials and Construction

Now that you have a better idea about the type of treadmill that suits your purposes, it’s time to check one of the most essential features that are shared across all treadmills.

For a machine that has to bear the weight of a grown human skipping and running, the treadmill needs to be durable and made from hefty materials that can survive heavy use. Also, it should be equipped with stabilizers to absorb the shocks while running on the treadmill belt.

Ideally, a treadmill needs to have a solid frame that is made from high-durability alloy steel, which is preferably painted to prevent corrosion and rusting due to exposure to sweat or humidity.

The running belt should also be sturdy enough to handle the wear and tear as well as heavy use, especially while wearing running shoes and sneakers.

Weight Capacity

Another side of durability and sturdiness of the machine’s frame is the weight capacity of the treadmill.

Most treadmills on the market will state a maximum weight limit at which the treadmill is capable of supporting.

This maximum weight limit doesn’t only depend on the frame, but it also depends on the power of the motor in the case of electric treadmills.

Exceeding the weight limit of a treadmill can cause it to malfunction or shorten its lifespan significantly.

Many treadmills out there will have a weight capacity that ranges anywhere from 200 lbs all the way up to 350 or 400 lbs.

Keep in mind that the higher the weight capacity of the treadmill, the more likely it’ll be pricier and even bulkier, so you shouldn’t opt for one that is much higher than your body weight.

As a rule of thumb, always pick a treadmill that has a weight capacity that is 10 to 15% higher than your body weight.

For example, if you’re 200 lbs, you need to look for a treadmill that has a maximum weight capacity of at least 220 to 230 lbs.

Size and Dimensions

Another critical aspect that will have a huge impact on your choice is the overall size and dimensions of the treadmill you’re going for.

Even when you’re buying a generally compact treadmill, it’s essential that your treadmill is large enough to accommodate your movement without restrictions, unless you don’t mind moving furniture out of the way while using the treadmill.

In fact, walking or running awkwardly within an uncomfortable distance can bring more harm than good because it increases the risks of accidents and injuries.

Moreover, while measuring the distance suitable for a treadmill, you need to keep some distance on both sides as well as behind the treadmill in mind, so you can hop in and out quickly, especially for older individuals.

Belt Length and Width

The length of the belt is one of the most essential parts of the treadmill’s dimensions. This is because longer running belts tend to be more comfortable while running.

Additionally, long belts promote safety and reduce the chances for accidents to happen, especially when running at relatively high speeds.

Despite that, the longer the running belt, the larger the space that you need to allocate for the treadmill and the bulkier the treadmill will be when folded up.

For that reason, you need to keep the length of the belt at a considerable range, which is usually anywhere between 45 and 55inches.

best treadmill for apartment
Sporty young woman training on treadmill in gym

In addition to length, the belt should also have an ample width so you’re able to run comfortably, which is usually around 18 to 25 inches.

Belt Cushioning

The level of cushioning under the belt can also help in absorbing shocks and increasing comfort while running.

This reduces the stress on the joints, especially the ankles, which allows you to run for longer, and therefore, improve your distance and/or speed.

Ease of Transportation

A good compact treadmill should also support easy transportation and relocation, especially if you don’t want to use the treadmill in the same spot where you store it.

In that case, you should look for features that can help you move the whole unit around with relative ease.

For starters, since you’re not using the treadmill in the same place it’s stored, the limited space available in the apartment is most likely the culprit.

For that reason, it’s essential that you buy a relatively compact treadmill that isn’t too bulky or heavy.

Moreover, while folding the treadmill, it would be much easier to move them around if the treadmill is equipped with wheels that can be directed by the handles.

Motor Power

One of the most essential aspects that separate one treadmill from another is the device’s motor power.

This is because motors don’t only impact the speed at which the treadmill runs, but they also have to do with many other aspects, such as the weight capacity of the treadmill in addition to how long you’re able to use it per session.

A treadmill’s motor power is usually measured in horsepower or HP. Typically, a treadmill should have at least 1.5 HP to function decently.

However, a good treadmill that is able to reach high running speeds and operate for long periods of time will have anywhere between 2 to 4 HP.

This power should be enough to allow the treadmill to reach a maximum speed of about 8 to 10 mph (12.8 to 16 km/h).

Programs and Speed Settings

Most treadmills nowadays come with a digital monitoring system, which can vary in the level of sophistication and adjustability, especially in the case of an expensive treadmill.

Despite being one of the major contributors to the price tag of the treadmill, you typically need a treadmill that allows you to adjust the speed settings with decent increments to have a proper treadmill.

In other words, the most critical aspect to consider while picking a digital monitor is to be able to adjust the speed of the treadmill by increments of 0.1 mph or 0.1 km/h

However, some treadmills come with extra programs and modes that can help you achieve certain goals.

For example, many treadmills are equipped with a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) mode, which is excellent for increasing your metabolic rate and losing more weight.

On the other hand, some programs are designed to improve your mileage and endurance while others are designed to improve your stamina, which is more suitable for sprinting at maximum speeds.

Incline Option

Increasing your lower body muscle mass is essential for those interested in hiking through mountain trails that involve walking up steep hills.

In that case, you might need a treadmill with an incline feature to help you put more pressure on your quads and glutes while jogging, walking, or running.

The adjustable incline is also ideal for those who want to spice up their training and make it more challenging.

In modern treadmills, you’ll be able to change the angle of the treadmill incline with a push of a button without having to stop the device.

Ease of Assembly

Many treadmills will arrive disassembled, so you’ll have to put them together in order to use them.

The problem here is that some of these treadmills are extremely tedious to assemble and can take a lot of time as well as special equipment to get the job done.

Since a treadmill is as good as you know how to use it, it’s critical that you opt for a treadmill that is relatively easy to install and comes with simple instructions and tools to help you set up the device properly to prevent unpleasant surprises.

Luckily, many treadmills out there come with an expert assembly option in which a professional would assemble the whole thing for you and save you the time and hassle of doing the whole thing on your own.

If you don’t have good experience with assembly or you lack essential tools for the process, it’s recommended that you always opt for the expert assembly option.

Noise Level

While running on the treadmill, it’ll generate some loud noise. This noise is related to the sound of the motor as well as the level of cushioning that the treadmill belt has in addition to the shock absorbing stabilizers of the device.

While noise may not be critical for everyone, if you live in an apartment, the noise coming from the treadmill can be loud enough that your neighbors may hear it.

Also, if you run early in the morning, it can be loud enough that it wakes up those who are living with you.

In that case, you need to make sure that the treadmill has a relatively smooth and quiet operation.

Extra Features

With all the essential aspects out of the way, you’ll be left with some extra features that add to the value of the treadmill.

While there are tons of these features, here are some of the most valuable extra features that you might want to have in your device:

  • LCD or LED Tracking Monitor: These monitors are far more intuitive than digital screens, especially if they’re controlled by touch. These screens will display various information, such as distance traveled, calories burned, current speed, and more!
  • Heart Rate Sensor: This one helps you keep track of your heart rate, which is essential for a cardio workout, especially if you want to reach a specific heart rate for maximum fat oxidation and weight loss.
  • Bluetooth Connection: This feature allows you to pair your smartphone and health apps with the treadmill, so you can sync your workout and get accurate data of your performance. You can also use this one to play music on your treadmill if it comes with built-in speakers.
  • Live Coaching: This one allows you to subscribe to online coaching programs with professional athletes or interactive routes to simulate running outdoors and break the monotonicity of treadmills.

Price and Warranty

Treadmills come at a huge range of prices, which can be as low as a few hundred bucks and as high as thousands.

The difference between these treadmills is down to the specifications of the device, including the building materials, maximum weight limit, extra features, and more.

In addition to the properties, you also need to check out whether the treadmill comes with a decent warranty policy for the device, whether it’s for labor, parts, or the frame itself.

What Are the Advantages of Having a Treadmill in My Apartment?

Having a treadmill at the comfort of your own house comes with tons of great benefits, as it provides you with regular access to high intensity exercise on a regular basis. Here are some of the benefits that you can enjoy by having a treadmill in your house:

  • Excellent Method for Consistent Running and Jogging

Walking, jogging, and running are among the best ways to lose weight and stay in shape. With the help of a treadmill, you’ll be able to have your daily jog anytime throughout the day without interruptions or having to make a trip to your local gym.

  • Improves Your Health and Supports Weight Loss

Training on a treadmill increases your heart rate, making it an excellent form of cardio workout for weight loss. It also comes with several other benefits, such as increasing your leg bone density as well as the muscles around it, controlling blood sugar rate, and relieving stress.

  • Allows You to Run Safely During Unfavorable Outdoor Conditions

In the case of a storm or heavy rain, running can be quite inconvenient because the streets are wet and slippery. Add that to the compromised visibility in low light situations and you have a recipe for a serious injury that can keep you off the tracks for days or even weeks.

In such conditions, running from the safety of a controlled environment like your house would allow you to keep your runs consistent, especially if you’re trying to reach a certain mileage per day.

  • Treadmill Technology Has Become Much Better Recently

You may have tried a treadmill before and found that it can be quite boring to run there or it doesn’t feel as realistic as running outdoors.

However, modern treadmills nowadays are much better in terms of traction and stride feedback, which gives an authentic feel while running or jogging and maximizes the benefits of your exercises.

best treadmill for apartment
The woman’s legs in new sneakers on the treadmill

Additionally, some treadmill models now come with a large screen with monthly subscriptions to interactive online coaching programs that will keep you engaged and motivated with a leaderboard competitive system and everything!

You can also pair your treadmill with your smartphone or smartwatch to register the workout to your daily target!

Wrap Up

With that said, our guide for the best treadmill for apartments comes to an end, and all that’s left now is to pick the most suitable option that will suit your needs!

As you can see, house treadmills come in a wide range of designs, types, features, and more. If you’re looking for an overall great option that strikes an excellent balance between features, quality, and price, you should consider the NordicTrack T Series Treadmill.

This one comes in two different size options to suit you and the size of your apartment. Additionally, it comes with a free 30 live coaching membership while offering a very high weight capacity and a variety of modes and settings.

However, if you have a small apartment and you’re looking for a fully foldable system that won’t eat up all the available space, you might want to go for the Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill.