How Many Calories Do You Burn Running a Mile in 7 Minutes?

A 7-minute mile time is quite an impressive pace. We’re willing to bet that you feel really proud after the run, but that’s not the only reason people take up cardio.

After all, running is one of the most common fat-burning activities that people rely on to shed weight and stay in shape.

So, how many calories do you burn running a mile in 7 minutes?

For a 150 lb-runner, an intense run at 8.57 mph burns 14 calories per minute. That comes out to around 100 calories for the entire 7-minute workout.

Of course, this estimate will vary drastically based on the terrain, runner’s body weight, and pace.

Yet, you might want to understand where we pulled these numbers from.

Let’s take a closer look at how you can estimate your calorie consumption for running sessions and how to boost the benefits.

How Many Calories do you Burn Running a Mile in 7 Minutes

How to Calculate Energy Expenditure for Running at 7 Minutes/Mile

Let’s just start by saying that it’s practically impossible to get a 100% accurate calculation of your energy expenditure during any given physical activity.

For one, there are too many factors to consider. Plus, most of the guidelines and formulas we rely on are generalized values.

However, you can get a close enough estimate to help you monitor how your training plan is going.

This requires getting familiar with three main factors and getting the numbers right.

Alternatively, you can just use a smartwatch with fitness tracking technology to do all the heavy lifting for you.

Here’s how you can figure out how many calories do you burn running a mile in 7 minutes:

1.   Know the Variables (Body Weight, MET, and Activity Time)

The very first variable that affects energy expenditure for a runner is body weight. As a general rule, heavier people burn more calories during cardio than lean ones.

So, step up on a scale and write the number down on a piece of paper. You’ll need it later during the calculations, but you’ll have to convert it to kilograms first.

However, not at runs are equal in intensity. That’s where your pace comes in.

Your running pace influences how intense your workout is going to be, and this affects how many calories you’ll end up burning.

How Many Calories Do You Burn Running a Mile in 7 Minutes: Know The Variables

For this, people use a neat little factor called the Metabolic Equivalent of Task or the MET.

The MET is an indicator of the ratio between your metabolic rate during any given activity to that during rest.

It relies on estimating the amount of oxygen and calories your body burns to complete the task.

Running at a mile time of seven minutes gets your MET value to 12.3.

Finally, the last variable here is time. For simplification, we’ll go ahead and proceed with the calculation for a single mile. That’s seven minutes.

You can always multiply that to cover your entire workout session. Just remember to factor in any rest laps you took in between.

2.   Do the Math

By now, you should have your body weight in kilograms and the MET value for your pace (7 minutes per mile or 8.57 mph.)

Next, you’ll need to convert this MET to actual calorie consumption. Of course, the more your weight is, the more the results are going to be.

The formula here is:

What you need to do is multiply your MET by 3.5 times your body weight, then divide it all by 200.

If you multiply by the total activity time, you should have a close estimate of how many calories you burn running a mile in 7 minutes.

For instance, if you weigh 190 lbs (86.18 kg) and your MET is 12.3, you’ll end up burning around 129 calories.

Meanwhile, a 120 lb-runner would burn 11.18 calories per minute or 78.3 calories for the full 7-minute workout.

If math is not your forte or you’re just in a hurry, use this online calculator by Cornell University Ergonomics to get a quick estimate.

Either way, you should get very close (if not the same) results.

3.   Resort to Technology

For many people, doing all these calculations can be too much work.

The fact that your weight will fluctuate from week to week along with your training plan makes it all even less convenient.

Thankfully, following up with your progress and statistics is getting easier for runners now. After all, there’s an array of GPS-enabled fitness tracking apps and smartwatches.

They start by asking you to enter info like age, sex, and weight. This helps the smartwatch get an estimate of your basal metabolic rate.

Then, with an accelerometer, it tracks your activity level and uses an algorithm to tell you how many calories you burned running.

As a bonus, most smartwatches will sync your training to all your devices. This way, you can pile up the miles and get an estimate of your net caloric consumption over weeks.

Even at the gym, the treadmill might show you a snip of info about your current pace, MET score, heart rate, and burned calories.

All you need to do is check out the summary screen at the end of the workout session. No calculations and no hassle.

However, you need to keep in mind that they aren’t always the most accurate. For instance, the “calories burned” result might be off by 40-80%.

On the other hand, heart rate tracking through photoplethysmography sensors is usually more reliable.

How Many Calories Do You Burn Running a Mile in 7 Minutes: Track Through Sensors

All in all, it’s a good method to resort to if you’re monitoring your energy expenditure for prolonged periods. It’s still a good idea to weigh yourself regularly to keep your expectations in check.

How to Burn More Calories With Running

Now that you have a close estimate of your energy expenditure, you might be wondering how you can push things even further.

There are several ways that a runner can boost their MET score without necessarily increasing their workout time.

Here’s how:

Run Up Hill

All the calculations and numbers we went through apply to running on flat ground, like the ones in most clubs.

However, if you choose to run on a sloped track, you’ll burn even more calories.

Running at an incline is one of the most effective ways to increase your calorie expenditure without increasing your pace or workout time.

It works your lower legs, glutes, and hamstrings more while boosting your heart rate. This should build up your endurance for aerobic exercise, too.

Of course, this all translates to a higher MET. You might end up burning double the amount of calories with a 10% incline!

You can make the most out of this by running uphill or on steps. Just make sure the terrain is suitable for runners.

The last thing you want is to slip and injure yourself!

To a lesser extent, treadmill runs also add a bit of an incline to boost your overall gain from the running session.

Most modern treadmills will also let you set your desired slope degree yourself. The steeper you go, the more intense the workout will be.

However, it’s important to note that hill training isn’t for everyone. Some people find that incline running puts stress on their knees, hips, and ankles.

If that’s the case with you, it might be safer to run on a regular flat track for now.

Run Faster

Getting to a 7-minute mile time is already an impressive feat. It shows that you’re healthy, have enough endurance, and can take some intense workouts with grace.

With that said, aiming for a faster pace can help you burn calories faster. So, if your end goal is weight loss, you might want to step up your game beyond the 8.57 mph mark.

For instance, getting to run a mile in 6 minutes instead of 7 will pump your MET score from 12.3 to 14.5.

At 11 mph, your MET score will be a whopping 16!

We get that it’s easier said than done. Running pace might not also be your number one priority right now, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

However, if you do want to work on your speed, consider increasing the intensity of your tempo runs.

Fartleks, hill sprints, and Tabata runs can also make all the difference in your speed workouts.

It’s still important to take things up gradually to avoid straining your muscles or risking a serious injury.

Run Heavier

We’ve already covered how body weight relates directly to the burned calories in every running session.

While we’re not implying that you put on weight to increase your energy expenditure, there’s a logical way around it.

Running with weights is yet another way you can kick up your intensity levels a notch to make your workouts more efficient.

That doesn’t always mean carrying dumbbells, either.

You can always get ankle wraps, wrist weights, or a weighted vest. They range from 1-3 lbs to suit different needs.

When compared to dumbbells, these attachable/wearable weights are way more convenient for a runner.

By increasing your running resistance, you can get a 5-15% boost on the calories you burn with every 7-minute run you make.

As a plus, it allows you to work on your muscle tone at the same time. It’s essentially strength training merged into a run to hit two birds with one stone!


Let’s move on to some of the frequently asked questions about 7-minute runs and calorie consumption:

Q: Do all cardio activities have the same MET score?

A: No, not all cardio will end up having the same Metabolic Equivalent value for the task. It all comes down to the workout intensity.

How Many Calories Do You Burn Running a Mile in 7 Minutes: Workout intensity

For instance, BMX ranges around 8.5. Both jogging and leisure swimming are around 6. Meanwhile, competitive speed skating has an impressive MET score of 15.

Q: Is an 8.57 mph pace good?

A: Running at 8.57 mph puts you ahead of most non-athletic people worldwide. It also brings you closer to the elite runners who can finish a mile in under five minutes.

So, yes, 8.57 mph is a brag-worthy achievement, but why stop there? Keep challenging yourself to do better.

Q: Is a 7-minute cardio workout enough?

A: Ideally, you want to get a total of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic workouts per week. This comes down to 20-30 minutes every day.

With that said, 7-minute bouts of cardio might work for High-Intensity Circuit Training (HCIT) programs.

Q: How many calories can you burn in a week?

A: To lose weight safely and practically, you want to aim for no more than 1-2 lbs per week. That’s around 3,500 calories to burn in total.

Losing a lot of weight too quickly might seem enticing now, but it’s not sustainable in the long term.

Q: Can you lose weight by running only?

A: Cardio is notoriously good for shedding extra weight. It gets your heart rate and oxygen demand up, which eventually translates to burning calories.

However, odds are, you’ll still need a balance of dietary and lifestyle changes to cement your weight loss.

Final Thoughts

Running is a very convenient activity to take up if you’re looking to stay in shape and monitor your metabolic balance. This is particularly true if you can run at a fast pace, like 8.57 mph.

So, how many calories do you burn running a mile in 7 minutes?

The answer will vary based on your body weight, track inclination, and whether or not you’re wearing any attachable weights.

However, at this pace, you can expect an average MET score of 12.3. Use this value with your own variables to get a close estimate.

Regardless of your energy expenditure, it’s still important to set realistic weight loss goals and make sure to only increase your workout intensities gradually.

So, stay safe and remember to enjoy your runs first and foremost!