Not going to let a little rain keep you from running, are you?
The fact is, running in the rain can be a miserable experience if you’re not prepared. Fortunately, we have some great content on deck to help you get ready for it.
In this video, Olympian Carrie Tollefson uses her whimsical style to share 5 tips for running on in the rain. Check out her website for more running tips!
Tip #1 – Dress for the Weather
- Wear a brimmed hat to keep the rain out of your eyes.
- Layer up! Wear a jacket that is water resistant.
This one is quite self-explanatory – just do what your mom told you!
Of course, temperature can be a factor too. If you’re looking for a few more ideas about dressing for running in winter temperatures, please check out this excellent post on the subject by elite runner Tina Muir.
Tina’s article is especially geared toward women, but there are tips that men can apply as well.
Tip #2 – Check the Weather Forecast Before Running
- If there is thunder or lightning predicted, think about staying home and doing your workout on a rowing machine or other personal equipment.
- Or, consider going to the gym!
Tip #3 – Use Body Glide
- Even if you don’t normally use it, you may find it helpful when running in the rain.
- You might be surprised what the water will do to your clothes and skin, sometimes creating extra friction.
Tip #4 – Protect Your Electronics
- The last thing you want is for your phone or iPod to get water damaged.
- So, put it in a zip-lock bag and zip it up!
Tip #5 – Dry Out Your Shoes Before Your Next Run
- If your shoes do get wet, be sure and dry them off as quickly as you can.
- That way, they’ll be ready for your next run.
- One way to do this is to crumple old newspaper and put it inside each shoe. The newspaper will soak up the moisture so your shoes will dry out quickly.